Building the Church of Christ – Matthew 16:13-20

John XXIII was pope during the turbulent 1960s when it seemed that everything was falling apart. The priesthood was in crisis, religious life was in crisis, marriage was in crisis, faith was in crisis, the church was in crisis. The pope worked long and hard hours trying to address these problems. One evening, after an […]

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman

Matthew 15:21-28 Mahatma Gandhi in his autobiography tells how, during his student days, he read the Gospels and saw in the teachings of Jesus the answer to the major problem facing the people of India, the caste system. Seriously considering to embrace the Christian faith, Gandhi attended church one Sunday morning intending to talk to […]

All Things Work Together for Good

A certain catechist in a rural African village had a favourite saying, “If this did not happen, something worse could have happened.” When a man comes to him crying that his bicycle has been stolen, his words of admonition were, “Take heart, if this did not happen, something worse could have happened.” When a woman […]